Leading Women:
Female Role Models in Film
Finally, a leadership seminar that features women leaders!
In this unique—and interactive—seminar, participants view short clips from a variety of films, and then interpret each scene, discovering the leadership wisdom it contains. In a no-lecturing-allowed format, Institute facilitators John Clemens and Denise Warren use probing questions to instigate discussions based on participants’ insights into each scene.
For example, in a scene from Elizabeth, participants see the young queen move her constituents to action by her persuasive communication skills. In another from Sister Act, they watch as Sister Mary Clarence turns around a dysfunctional church choir with her organizational and mentoring skills. And, in Baby Boom, participants observe corporate powerhouse J.C. Wiatt as she makes a major life choice regarding her career and family.
This new seminar helps managers and leaders of both genders to develop their own insights about leadership—insights that will translate into more effective leadership behaviors in their organizations.